Log Cabin Sheeps Wool Insulation
Log Cabin Model: shpwoolinsu
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Why wool insulation?Wool is a natural fibre derived from a fully renewable resource. Its ability to rapidly absorb and release water vapour, with no loss of efficiency, makes Thermafleece a particularly effective thermal insulation material.
- Thermafleece is breathable and it can absorb moisture with no loss of thermal efficiency. This is one reason why it is so effective at keeping buildings warm in winter.
- During warm conditions Thermafleece releases moisture which actually helps with the cooling effect.
- Thermafleece is truly environment-friendly. Its production takes a fraction of the energy required to produce glass fibre insulation.
- Thermafleece is completely safe to handle.
- Thermafleece has a life expectancy of more than 50 years and is recyclable
Cool in summerWhen the outside termperature increases and begins to heat the wool, it releases moisture. This has a cooling effect on the fibre which reduces the flow of heat to the inside of the building. This can reduce peak temperature by up to 7deg.C when compared to a building in which alternative forms of insulation are installed.Warm in winterIn the winter the absorption of moisture by wool insulation can increase peak temperature by up to 4oC when compared to buildings in which alternative forms of insulation are installed.Naturally breathableThermafleece, being hygroscopic, can absorb and desorb water vapour without compromising its thermal efficiency. It is therefore ideal for use in roofs and timber frame walls designed to avoid a damaging build-up of moisture by allowing water vapour to migrate through the structure.Condensation ControlWool generates heat when it absorbs moisture from the air. That energy is known as the 'heat of sorbtion' and account for the warmth felt by wearers of woollen clothes in winter conditions. When the air is saturated with water vapour, wool absorbs some 40% of its dry weight in moisture, producing 960 kilojoules of heat energy for every kilogram of dry wool. This warmth isn't noticeable inside the building but it acts to prevent condensation in construction cavities by maintaining the temperature above the dew point.Energy efficiencyThe cleaning, air-laying and thermal bonding processing during the manufacture of Thermafleece consumes minimal energy. Thermafleece uses only 14% of the energy used to manufacture glass fibre insulation.SafetyThermafleece contains no permethrin, pyrethoids, pesticides or formaldehyde. It is harmless and can be installed without gloves or protective clothing. It is not irritating to the skin, eyes or respiratory tract and causes no discomfort during installation.Fire SafetyWool has a higher fire resistance than cellulose and cellular plastic insulants - it does not burn but rather melts away from an ignition source and extinguishes itself. Thermafleece is treated with a non-hazardous, naturally derived fire-proofing agent to improve its intrinsic fire resistance. Thermafleece complies with BS 5803-4 (Spread of Fire) achieving results of zero for ignability, spread of flame and heat evolved.Biological safetyThermafleece is insect proofed by the inclusion of naturally derived additives. No permethrin, pyrethoids or other pesticides are used in the manufacture of Thermafleece.DurabilityThermfleece quilt adapts to the shape of rafters, joists and studs to provide a permanently tight fit. Properly installed, Thermafleece will retain its low density and thermal performance - with a life expectancy in excess of 50 years.Please Call to Get our best Price for your Building
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